Monday, July 27, 2015

A new student review of The Candy Store by Michele Poague

Sweetfable posted a new student review of The Candy Store by Michele Poague. See the full review.

This was a pretty amazing novel. There were many stylistic choices I liked that the author made. I loved the use of 1920s slang, and I did pick up a few neat phrases along the way. However, it was hard for me to believe those phrases were actually used that often! For the most part, all the characters felt realistic, although I did not understand some of Jett’s decisions and impulses. I am basically the age that she was in the novel, and I would never even consider doing some of the things she did. But she did live in a different time, so that may account for some of the differences.

I always love time traveling in novels. The author made Jett’s reaction to this change quite believable. She was quite smart in some of the situations she was put in, and thought of things that I would never have thought of. In the end, I felt I could look up to Jett, despite some of her minor faults. Setting the novel initially in the 1980s was interesting, but I guess that makes it easier for Jett not have to cope with the lack of computers or smart phones!

This novel was a blast from the start until the finish. The relationships the characters had with each other were crafted extremely well, and I was very impressed. It is clear the author put a lot of effort into making both the setting and the characters lifelike. Even though I never lived in the 20s or even the 80s, I felt like I was able to briefly be a part of those eras and have fun with characters that were having the time of their lives.