Friday, August 01, 2014

A new student review of There Will Come A Time by Carrie Arcos

crabby posted a new student review of There Will Come A Time by Carrie Arcos. See the full review.

Mark’s narrative, while a tad clichéd at times, is surprisingly potent. The way he copes with his trauma is grippingly authentic and relatable; he is quite young, and he is still developing his own sense of self even as he tries to understand the sister he lost. Mark’s struggles with grief and guilt mingle realistically with the odd bits of happiness that crop up unexpectedly in his life, like his growing relationship with Grace’s best friend, Hanna, or his family telling stories around the Christmas tree. Mark’s healing process is never portrayed as black and white. It is infinitely messy and complicated, and this complexity makes the story and its characters incredibly genuine. The author manages to tackle a very heavy subject without becoming excessively dark or depressing. This novel has a lot to offer, and without a doubt, other readers will soon become as fond of Mark as I am.