Thursday, January 30, 2014

A new student review of Too Good to Be True-Mostly Miserable Life of April Sinclair

tweety16 posted a new student review of Too Good to Be True-Mostly Miserable Life of April Sinclair . See the full review.

This book has a really good lesson in it. It is basically tied to Middle and High school lives. It says in the book that if you make a mistake you should always fix it, or keep going on and forget about it. You also have to actually look at your life before you make a choice.

I think this is a book good for kids in eighth grade and up. It has different ways it can help teens. Many teens have to go through some of the problems in this book, but there are always ways to fix it or try to make them better.

April made some mistakes between friendship and relationships. There is confusion and teamwork. Rumors get spread and some people hurt. Families gett together for a great cause, which we should use as an idea for our life. So I encourage you stop for an hour or so and read this book to learn from it.