Saturday, December 28, 2013

A new student review of The Grave Winner

ViviB posted a new student review of The Grave Winner . See the full review.

Leigh was a very real character. Her emotions, for the most part, were understandable, yet complex. Since this is a horror story, capturing the emotions is key for a good book. The characters were lovable; I liked Jo, the best friend, and I liked Leigh's sarcastic, witty way of narrating. The love triangle between Leigh, Cal, and Tram was well developed as well.

This book was only about a hundred and sixty pages, and so the supernatural bits seemed to come into play too quickly for my liking. A little bit more background and character development would have been helpful before diving into the magic. For example, the book talked about Lazarus Syndrome when people began coming back from the dead, and it seemed widely accepted by the citizens. I was a bit unclear on whether the world of Krapper, the name of the town, was used to phenomona like that, or whether the magic was new to the people yet didn't explore the reactions.

Leigh missed some obvious hints that I caught onto immediately, and I found that a bit unrealistic and irritating, but there were twists throughout the book that I enjoyed; it wasn't predictable.

All in all, this was an interesting read, and I would keep an eye out for a sequel.