Friday, September 02, 2011

The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by Jeanna Birdsall

The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by: Jeanne Birdsall is the third book the Penderwicks series. It is a fantastic book. The Penderwicks are splitting up. Dad, Iantha, and Ben are going to England for there honeymoon(Ben is too little to stay home); Rosalind is going to New Jersey with her friend; and Jane, Skye, and Batty are going to Maine with Aunt Claire. While in Maine, Jane is having a love survey and along the way thinks she is in love, Aunt Claire has an accident, Jeffrey finds someone who he wishes were his dad, and many, many more events happen. What happens to Aunt Claire? How does Jane being in love end up? What happens with Jeffrey? Read this great book to find out.
The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by: Jeanne Birdsall is the third book the Penderwicks series. I thought that it was a great book. I have read the first two books but the way the author writes this book you don't have to read the first two books to understand this one. It shows how great an O.A.P. Skye is even though she didn't believe in herself. And it also showed how the Penderwick sisters could be apart and survive. I liked how Jeffreys whole situation was cleared up and his father ended up being someone he very much liked.

Reviewer Age:13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Sandy, Oregon U.S.A