Monday, August 01, 2011

The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book by Jeff Kinney

Within this book, there are a variety of fun activities to do, some of which relate to various parts of the Wimpy Kid series. There are things like "Design Your Dream House," "Plan the Ultimate Road Trip," and several quizzes (for instance, "Take a Friendship Compatibility Test," "Personality Test," and "How Well Do You Know Your Friend?"). One of my favorite parts is "What's in Your Brain?" - on one page, it has a brain filled out by Greg, and on the other is a blank brain for you to separate into parts of what is normally on your mind. There's a great comic section near the end, followed by a good amount of space to write your own 'story'.

This Do-it-Yourself book is really funny, creative, and entertaining. I think that other creative Wimpy Kid fans would be delighted to buy and do the activities in this book. However, I do feel that the Predict YOUR Future part was kind of boring and long (except for the one part, the Predict YOUR Future game, which happens to be one of my favorite parts of the book!) I also enjoyed the comics towards the end of the book, which I keep re-reading! This book should keep Wimpy Kid fans busy for awhile!

Reviewer Age:10
Reviewer City, State and Country: Evanston, IL USA