Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Haunting of Charles Dickens by Lewis Buzbee

Meg lost her older brother, Orion, 6 months ago. She and
Mr. Dickens, after believing that they saw him one night,
renew their search for him. The clues lead to a mysterious
triangle names. Though, this triangle of names is even
more important when, underground, they found children,
half-dead, half-alive, and press-ganged into work, forging
bolts. Finally, they learn the location of Orion, but can
they rescue him in time?

I thought that, although a good
plot and extremely descriptive detail, there was a little
too much detail. It seemed like there was too much slow
parts in between the exciting. There was not a good
balance between dull and exciting. Otherwise, it was a
good book, as I said before, I liked the plot, and how you
just might be able to figure out the ending, just before
it actually happened.

Reviewer Age:13
Reviewer City, State and Country: Santa Fe, TX USA