Friday, October 09, 2009

The World's Easiest Astronomy Book by Hitoshi Nakagawa

"The World's Easiest Astronomy Book" by Hitoshi Nakagawa is an informative science book. It covers many popular topics that range from orbits to temperature to heat to stars to light to flight to exploration and more. Each topic is a couple of pages and ends with a sentence or two in red that sums everything up. The style of writing is easy to understand. Whenever science terms come up, the author explains them in modern colloqualism.

This book is ideal for children interested in the world beyond the sky. The informal speech makes it feel as if the author is speaking directly to the reader. From a scientific perspective, all the facts stated are true. They are a bit watered down, but they are all valid. This book will excite kids but will put the more experienced or older reader to sleep. Like the title suggests, this book is easy.

Reviewer Age:18
Reviewer City, State and Country: Troy, NY 12180