Friday, July 18, 2008

Demon In MY View by Amila Atwater Rhodes

Think you know about vampires? What if everything you knew
as fiction was true! In the anticipated sequel to In the
Forest of the Night, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes introduces
Jessica, a gothic human who is a descendant from an ancient
and powerful vampire. Jessica, under the name of Ash Night,
writes popular vampire novels, which are all turn out to be
true. With no inside knowledge Jessica manages to portray
all the violent and intriguing vampire/witch tales just as
they happened. This is far from ideal for the secrecy of the
vampire world. When Aubrey (remembered from In the Forest of
the Night) shows up at Jessica's school, she knows
undoubtedly that he is the charming, attractive character
from her book. Her publications have caused a stir in the
vampire world and Aubrey has come to kill her but finds he
can't. Jessica meets Carolyn Smoke, a safe witch who tries
to help her, and Fala, another vampire who is set out to
kill her. As Jessica delves further into the darkness of
vampire's bloody streets she faces understanding of her past
and great choices dictating her future.

Before reading the second book from Atwater-Rhodes I
thought I knew what I was in for but I was surely wrong.
Expecting another vamp vs. vamp novel I was pleasantly
surprised to find this novel different. I really liked that
this book was set from a teenager's point of view. I liked
the aspects of school life for Jessica and how the author
included the vampires into this setting. Amelia
Atwater-Rhodes explained in great detail the emotions
Jessica felt but could have added more description to the
surroundings to enhance visual images in your mind. In
comparison to the first book in the series I preferred Demon
in My View as I thought it had a faster pace that kept the
pages turning. This was another easy to read book that was
constantly spooky and captivating. A great read for anyone
who enjoyed reading the first book in the series.

Reviewer Age:14

Reviewer City, State and Country:
Melbourne , Victoria Australia